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News and Notices

Below are the latest court news updates and legal notices released by the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino.

San Bernardino Superior Court Will Partially Reopen on May 29

San Bernardino Superior Court Will Partially Reopen on May 29

Amended Local Rules Due to COVID-19

Amended Local Rules Due to COVID-19

Temporary Reduction of Clerk's Office Hours Due to COVID-19

Temporary Reduction of Clerk's Office Hours Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 Face Covering and Social Distancing Requirements

COVID-19 Face Covering and Social Distancing Requirements

Closed Monday, May 25, 2020

The Court will be closed Monday, May 25, 2020 for Memorial Day

Sixth Amendment to Implementation of Emergency Relief

Sixth Amendment to Implementation of Emergency Relief

Presiding Judge Sachs Issues Sixth Amendment to Implementation Order Effective May 1

Presiding Judge Sachs Issues Sixth Amendment to Implementation Order Effective May 1

Presiding Judge Sachs Issues Fifth Amendment to Implementation Order Effective April 30

Presiding Judge Sachs Issues Fifth Amendment to Implementation Order Effective April 30

Fifth Amendment to Implementation of Emergency Relief

Fifth Amendment to Implementation of Emergency Relief

New Judicial Appointment and Selection of Court Commissioner

New Judicial Appointment and Selection of Court Commissioner

San Bernardino Superior Court Launches Virtual Law Day Program

San Bernardino Superior Court Launches Virtual Law Day Program

Fourth Amendment to Implementation of Emergency Relief

Fourth Amendment to Implementation of Emergency Relief

Juez Presidente Sachs emite cuarta enmienda a la orden de implementación, vigente a partir del 22 de abril

Juez Presidente Sachs emite cuarta enmienda a la orden de implementación, vigente a partir del 22 de abril

Cuarta enmienda a implementación de remedio de emergencia

Cuarta enmienda a implementación de remedio de emergencia

Presiding Judge Sachs Issues Fourth Amendment to Implementation Order Effective April 22

Presiding Judge Sachs Issues Fourth Amendment to Implementation Order Effective April 22